Subject: Zip Code Explorer Author: ASP Uploaded By: JPeabody9 Date: 5/29/1997 File: ZCX95110.ZIP (1037887 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 5 minutes Download Count: 330 Equipment: W95 ZCX95110.ZIP 1037887 05-07-96 ZIP CODE EXPLORER 95 1.1 W95 | Zip Code Explorer 95 v1.1 [ASP] is | a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip | Codes and their associated cities, states, | counties, area codes, time zones and current | time. Search by Zip, City, County, State or | Area code. Copy entire ranges of zip code | data to the clipboard of printer. Verify the | spelling of a city or make sure the zip | matches the correct city. Or verify the | current time before making a call.